

"Rapid Assessment. Rapid Treatment. Rapid Return to Play"

Our main objective is to prevent injuries before they happen, but treat them effectively when they do. We want to get youth and adults back to sports, activites and life, quickly and safely.

The clinic features a RAPID CARE CLINIC for youth and adults with same day appointments available daily, covered by most extended health benefit plans.

When follow up treatments are recommended, our treatment approach emphasizes active rehabilitation, hands on manual therapy, therapeutic exercise and self care education.


Jennifer Patterson

Certified Athletic Therapist

Registered Massage Therapist

Jennifer's passion for treating sports injuries began at the University of Western where she obtained her degree in Kinesiology in 2006 while balancing her time between her studies and running for the varsity track and field team. This led her to pursue her Certificate in Athletic Therapy from Mount Royal College in Alberta, which she completed in 2007. To complement her Athletic Therapy designation, Jennifer also became a registered massage therapist in 2011. Since then, she has focussed her professional career on a variety of fields including treating individuals with catastrophic spinal cord injuries, working in a variety of multidisciplinary clinics, and further taking her passion for clinical care to the classroom where she is a professor of Massage Therapy at Fanshawe College in London since 2015.

Jennifer has spent her whole life involved in competitive sports starting with gymnastics from age 4, which was replaced in her teenage years with volleyball, track and field, and recreational badminton and tennis whenever she could fit it in. Jennifer now spends her free time mountain biking, playing volleyball, and chasing after her three children. 

Mahmoud Alshared

Dip.Ed., RMT., DOMP.( Osteopathic Manual Practitioner )

Mahmoud has been practicing since 2016 and enjoys what he does every day. Helping people getting back to their normal physical activities pain free is a great reward!

For more information, please visit: www.alshared.ca.

Natasha Marshall

Registered Massage Therapist

Rapid Assessment.            Rapid Treatment.            Rapid Return to Play.